Is Kindness Contagious?

I’m confident you have heard the saying, “Kindness is contagious,” before right? Well, if you hadn’t- now you have! The idea that showing someone kindness, even through just a smile, can be passed on to that person making them more likely to be kind to someone else is one that has been handed down through generations.

Just recently new research was conducted that may unlock the mystery; is kindness really contagious? According to a 2010 study done by researchers at the University of California, Los Angeles, the University of Cambridge, and the University of Plymouth, “It is natural for people to seek the positive emotions that accompany seeing and doing acts of kindness.” (1) Because there is moral beauty in being kind, humans have a natural desire to see others be kind, and in return to be kind themselves causing a natural high-like sensation. Research published in the journal of Biological Psychiatry has even aimed to learn what these moral, high-like elevations actually look like in the brain and human body. (2)

So, what does this mean for you?kindness

It means to be kind, of course! When we take the necessary time to be kind to those around us in both big and small ways we can pass on our kindness to everyone we cross paths with. Believe me, there are far worse things in life than creating a society of kind people who love to spread their kindness to others! Here’s a few ways you can show kindness today!

  • Smile. You can impact a large number of people with kindness simply by smiling. It doesn’t take any more time to smile than it does to frown. In fact studies have shown when you frown you actually use more muscles than you do when smiling. Remind yourself to offer others smiles whenever you get the chance.
  • Help. Whether it’s through simply being aware of your surroundings when you witness people needing help, or by volunteering your services to a needy cause by helping others you can show kindness.
  • Listen. A listening ear is a kind ear. Often times people are just looking for someone to talk to who will listen. Be kind today by listening to a loved one, friend, child, or even a complete stranger. Kindness knows no bounds.

For once, an old wise tail passed down from generation to generation is ringing true according to science. Kindness is truly contagious. Spread the word, and the love by being kind to one another every chance you get.

Mark D. Parisi, Psy.D. & Associates, P.C. provides counseling, psychological testing, and psychotropic medication management in Mount Prospect and Chicago – serving surrounding Cook, Lake, DuPage, and Will Counties. They accept most insurance and offer extremely affordable sliding scale rates. Call (847) 909-9858 for a free, no-obligation telephone consultation.



  1. Kindness is Contagious, New Study Finds, Kindness is contagious study findings, 2010,
  2. Autonomic and Prefrontal Evens During Moral Elevation, Research on moral elevations, 2015,

Stress Reduction – Who Doesn’t Need It?

Summer is a busy time – so much to do and see. But sometimes this extra push we give ourselves may lead to feeling ‘overwhelmed’ or lead to conflicts in our relationships. Maintaining balance is healthy for our own agendas and for our relationships; to minimize burnout, anger, frustration, and conflicts. Dr. Parisi and Associates offers Chicago therapists to help you take a step back, examine your stressors, to find your healthy balance, to organize your priorities and agenda. It is good to feel fulfilled, not overwhelmed.

Here are 5 Tips for Dealing with Life’s Stress

1) Time Management:  Make a schedule for yourself. We need to keep the more important events and obligations at the forefront of our schedules and fill in with the less important as we are able. Be sure to include time to relax, refresh and get the proper rest that you require to be at your best.

2) Healthy Lifestyle:  Believe it or not, eating healthy can actually keep your energy and your moods more steady. We do better when we have the proper rest and some daily exercise can definitely contribute to stress reduction.

3) Be a Positive Person:  It has been said that 90% of life is ‘attitude’ and the rest is what happens. We all get those lemons, yet it is so worthwhile to ‘learn to make lemonade.’ Often times, adversity can be an opportunity in disguise. We can discover some new alternatives or realize a new strength we did not know we had. Negative thinking can produce unresolvable frustration, apathy and burn-out.

4) Hang with Positive People:  Sometimes it seems like attitudes are contagious. Being with negative persons can color your mood dark or drain your energy. Be with people who energize you and make you feel good about yourself.

5) Find Support:  Speaking with another person, especially a professional therapist can truly help you achieve your goals of enjoying life more and not feeling overwhelmed, burned out or over-stressed.

If you find that you are not having success with stress management and need more help, contact Dr. Parisi for supportive counseling. We have locations in Chicago and the surrounding area (Des Plaines, Arlington Heights, Schaumburg, Barrington, Hinsdale, Skokie, Lincolnwood, Park Ridge, and Wilmette) to help. Affordable Counseling to Be Your Best.

Contributing Editor: Stan Kain, M.S.

What You Need to Know About Bullying This School Year

The news is constantly buzzing with news about the tragedies related to bullying. It has become an epidemic in our children’s schools. But what can you do?

First, we must understand what bullying is. We all get picked on or teased at times from a sibling or friend. This is in a jokingly manner. This is not bullying. There comes a point when this crosses a line. Bullying is intentional. It is meant to be mean and hurtful. Bullying is aggressive and unwanted behavior that is often repetitive and torturous for the person being bullied. It can be physical or verbal threats. It is spreading rumors. It is insulting. I can even include excluding someone from a group. It is serious and very harmful. In today’s world, much of bullying is not even happening with the child near. Electronic devices and social media are often used to say hurtful things and taunt another child. Bullying can cause physical harm, but it usually inflicts severe emotional pain for the person being bullied.

How do I know if my child is being bullied?

Obviously, any physical injuries are worth a full investigation. It is the emotional damage that you have to be more cautious of. Watch for signs that your child is unhappy or uncomfortable, especially going to school. Perhaps your child doesn’t want to ride the bus any more or even go to school. You may see a change in mood or eating and sleeping patterns. You child may act anxious or start to be more withdrawn. If you have more concerns consider a low cost psychiatrist in Chicago.

Having conversations and asking your child about bullying is a good way to keep communication open. If you child is reluctant to talk about it, try to find ways to relate. If you see an example of bullying, maybe in the news or in your life, use that as a starting point. Ask if something like this has ever happened to them or if they ever see others being bullied. Try to help make it more comfortable to talk about and let them know that if they see it happening it is ok to talk to another adult to help the person. If you need further help recognizing signs, a Chicago counselor at Dr. Parisi and Associates can help.

How do I help my child if I think she is being bullied?Chicago counselor | Dr. Parisi | Bullying

Bullying is not something that should be “toughed out.” It needs to be address. You have to be willing to listen and believe. If you child tells you she is being bullied, take it seriously. Listen to her talk about what is going on and make she sure knows you are a safe place.  Do not pass any judgment and make sure you validate your child’s feelings. Thank her for opening up and let her know you are proud of her for taking this step.

Some children feel like it is their fault they are being bullied. They need to know that no one deserves to be disrespected or mistreated. Explain that although bulling is very wrong, it is common and that many people experience it at some time. Perhaps you can share a time when you experienced bullying with your child. Praise your child for doing what is right by letting you know. It is vital that the child know that is the bully who is doing something wrong, not them.

Also, make sure you take action. Let you child know that this is something that must be addressed and taken care of. If the bullying is happening at school, you will need to discuss a plan with them. Schools and community organizations have a policies and rules to help stop and prevent bullying. Many times children like to be involved and what the plan of action is. An affordable Chicago counselor or the school counselor can be great help.

To help your child in the moment, tell them to avoid the bully and hang out with a friend. Bullies thrive on making other students mad and react. Let your child know that it is hard, but try not to react or show the bully that whatever they are doing bothers them. Walk away and ignore the bully, but then go tell an adult when the bully is no longer near.

Make sure you child doesn’t feel alone and that there are many people supporting her. Be encouraging and supportive. Help your child find friends and positive influences. Often, children lose a little confidence when being bullied. Help build them back up and make them know it is not their fault.

If you need more help in the Chicago and surrounding areas including Des Plaines, Arlington Heights, Schaumburg, Barrington, Hinsdale, Skokie, Lincolnwood, Park Ridge, and Wilmette, Dr. Parisi is an affordable psychologist or psychiatrist who specializes in Biofeedback Training for Stress / Anxiety Reduction.

Anatomy of the 6 Basic Emotions

Many people may be expressing themselves with an icon these days, but we all have them…EMOTIONS. Happyface, sadface, and so on. Although the icons are endless, there are only six basic emotions recognized by counselors and psychotherapists in Chicago.

Psychologists believe that there are a few universal emotions that are understood by people regardless of their background or culture. These emotions are easily recognized and interpreted through specific facial expressions. Although the basics are all the same, the emotion itself can be highly subjective. This means that we have broad labels for happiness, sadness, fear, anger, surprise and disgust, but how we each experience these feelings will be unique. Think of it this way. What bring you to the point of anger is not the same as someone else. Also, sometimes you are just mildly annoyed and sometimes you are in full-blown “Hulk” mode. This can be a wide range that would all fall under the same basic emotion of anger.

Let’s take a quick look at the basic anatomy of each emotion as a psychologist sees it.

Happiness: When a person is happy, muscles around the outside of eyes are tight (producing wrinkles or crow’s feet at the edge of eye), cheeks are raised, and corners or mouth are raised diagonally.

Sadness: When a person is sad, the inner corners of eyebrows are raised, eyelids are loose, and the corner of mouth is pulled down (frown).

Fear: When a person is in fear, eyebrows pull up and together, eyelids pull up, and their mouth stretches wide.

Anger: When a person is angry, their eyebrows will pull down, eyelids pull up, sides of lips roll in, and lips tighten.

Surprise: When a person is surprised, their entire eyebrows pull up, eyelids are pulled up, and mouth is open.

Disgust: When a person is disgusted, eyebrows pull down, the nose wrinkles, upper lip pulls up, and lips are loose.

Do you have trouble dealing with your emotions? Any of our affordable psychologists in Chicago and the surrounding area (Des Plaines, Arlington Heights, Schaumburg, Barrington, Hinsdale, Skokie, Lincolnwood, Park Ridge, and Wilmette) would be happy to help you explore your needs further.

Why it is Important to Offer Help in Many Different Languages

English, PolishRussian, Tagalog (Filipino), SpanishHindi, Gujarati, Urdu, and Arabic Spoken and Understood Here

No matter your culture or background we all need a little help sometimes. If you are seeking a low cost therapist in the Chicago and neighboring area, we know you have many choices and we appreciate you seeking the best fit for you. It has come to our attention that many of our clients were unaware of the language services that are available to them. Not only does Dr. Parisi and Associates offer affordable counseling in Chicago and surrounding areas of Des Plaines, Arlington Heights, Schaumburg, Barrington, Hinsdale, Skokie, Lincolnwood, Park Ridge, and Wilmette, we also have psychologists who most likely have speaks your native language to better meet your needs.

We have a wide array of services, including psychotherapy treatments for ADHD, anxiety, depression, eating disorders, addictions, bipolar disorder, psychosis, OCD, and couple counseling and family problems. If you are seeking any mental health services including, a marriage and family therapist, a psychiatrist, a psychologist, a play therapist, a psychotherapist, a counselor or counselling, please contact us to help us find a program that best fits your needs to help you be your best. We are dedicated to the mental, emotional, and behavioral health of children, adolescents, adults, geriatrics, and families in and near Chicago.



What is Psychological Testing and how do I know If I Need it?

Psychological tests are standardized tests used to measure characteristics, feelings, beliefs and skills. These tests are also used to measure the presence of certain mental health conditions such as depression, anxiety, stress, substance use, or other personality characteristics. A standard psychological assessment includes an interview with a mental health practitioner and a psychological test. Testing can be completed independently or can be administered by a psychologist. Generally tests are given to help gather thorough and complete information in order to understand a problem more in depth and are used as a guide for treatment. These tests measure an individual’s performance at a specific point in time. Psychological tests help understand general behaviors or trends, but its important to note that these tests do to predict future actions, thoughts, feelings or behaviors.

A thorough assessment of an individual will first include a medical examination to rule out possibilities of medical illnesses. After ruling out medical illnesses or diseases, your medical provider may refer you to a psychologist for further assessment and testing. Typically a medical health care provider will make a referral for psychological testing if they believe it is beneficial. It is also common for doctors, teachers, and social workers to make referrals for further psychological testing.

Psychologists administer psychological testing for a wide variety of reasons. There are many psychological tests available and each measures different attributes. There are aptitude tests that help to identify learning disabilities and there are tests that evaluate if a client is experiencing an emotional disorder. Other tests measure personality traits. For example, if an individual is having problems with personal relationships or interpersonal skills there are tests available that help to identify personality traits that might contribute to the problem. Testing helps to provide valuable information and insight in understanding issues while also identifying individuals strengthens.

Contact Dr. Parisi for low cost therapy in Chicago, Mt. Prospect, and surrounding areas including Des Plaines, Arlington Heights, Schaumburg, Barrington, Hinsdale, Skokie, Lincolnwood, Park Ridge, and Wilmette.

Common Side Effects of Psychotropic Medication

Side effects are very common to experience when taking psychotropic medication. Everyone responds differently to medication and has a different experience while taking these drugs. Your age, health, and the type of medication taken are all factors that contribute to the side effects that you might experience. Side effects typically dissipate after several days or weeks and can be managed successfully. Immediately report any unusual or severe side effects to your doctor as your doctor can help manage and adjust your medications accordingly. Below is a list of common side effects for psychotropic medications.

Side Effects of Antidepressants:

Normally antidepressant side effects are relatively mild and dissipate within several days, however there are circumstances where side effects can be severe. Report any side effects to your treatment of depression to your medical professional immediately.

• Headaches

• Nausea

• Sleeplessness or drowsiness

• Agitation

• Sexual problems

• Dry Mouth

• Constipation

• Bladder issues

• Blurred vision


Side Effects of Antipsychotics:

Side effects of antipsychotic medications can range from mild to severe. Long-term use of typical antipsychotic medications may lead to a disorder called tardive dyskinesia (TD). TD causes uncontrollable muscle movements or spasms. This disorder is less common among individuals who take the newer atypical antipsychotic medications, however consult your doctor immediately if you experience any side effects.

• Drowsiness

• Dizziness

• Weight gain

• Blurred vision

• Rapid heartbeat

• Rigidity

• Muscle spasms

• Restlessness

• Tremors

• Sensitivity to the sun

• Skin rashes

• Menstrual problems for women


Side Effects of Mood Stabilizers:

There are several different medications used to treat bipolar disorder and they can cause different side effects. (Reference the side effects of antidepressant medication and antipsychotic medications). Mood stabilizers such as lithium and anticonvulsant medications are more commonly used.

• Excessive thirst

• Loss of coordination

• Frequent urination

• Blackouts

• Seizures

• Slurred speech

• Irregular heartbeat

• Hallucinations

• Changes in vision

• Itching/rashes

• Swelling

• Changes in weight

• Nausea, stomach pain, vomiting

• Loss of appetite


Side Effects of Antianxiety Medications:

Anxiety is treated with antidepressants, benzodiazepines, and beta-blockers. The more common side effect for benzodiazepines is drowsiness. Other side effects can include:

• Upset stomach, nausea

• Drowsiness

• Dizziness

• Blurred vision

• Headache

• Confusion

• Nightmares

• Nervousness

• Lightheadedness

• Trouble sleeping


Common side effects from beta-blockers include:

• Fatigue

• Cold hands

• Dizziness

• Weakness

Contact Dr. Parisi for low cost therapy in Chicago, Mt. Prospect, and surrounding areas including Des Plaines, Arlington Heights, Schaumburg, Barrington, Hinsdale, Skokie, Lincolnwood, Park Ridge, and Wilmette.

How Do I Know When Psychotropic Medication Might Help Me?

Psychotropic medications are used to treat severe and disabling mental health disorders. They treat disorders such as schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, major depression, and anxiety. These disorders often cause serious debilitating symptoms that interferer with daily activities. Unfortunately psychotropic medications do not cure these disorders, however they can provide a significant amount of relief for disabling symptoms and they can help people live healthy and happy lives. There are so many options when it comes to the types medication treatment. With help from a medical practitioner you can find the right kind of medication for you. This may take several attempts, as finding the right type of medication is often a trial and error process.

It’s not always easy to know when to seek help from a doctor or a medical practitioner. Making the decision to take psychotropic medication involves recognizing you have a serious issue that affects the overall quality of your life and interferes with your daily functioning. People come to the decision after careful consideration of all of their options. For example, consider what other treatments you have tried in the past and the symptoms you would like to treat. Research suggests that for certain issues a combination of medication along with psychotherapy often leads to the best results for certain disorders. For other issues psychotherapy may be the best option. Again its important to discuss all of these options with your health care provider and consider what you have tried in the past. After having considered all your options, medication might be your best course of treatment. The decision to take medication is very serious because of the serious side effects you can experience. It is important to remember, that these medications work differently for individuals and finding the right one for is a process. It may take several trials before you find the correct type and dose.

The best resource for information regarding psychotropic medication (and its side effects) is your doctor and other medical professionals. Seek consultation from your doctor prior to taking any medication so they can rule out other possible health conditions that might affect your tolerance towards certain medications. Your doctor can provide you with the appropriate knowledge and referrals for other medical professionals that can assist you in this process, such as a psychiatrist or psychiatric nurse practitioners as they also prescribe psychotropic medication. Talking with your doctor is a good first place to start as they can educate you on your options and who can help. Before taking psychotropic medications consider your unique circumstances and treatment options. Doing your own research is helpful before going to speak with a medical professional so you can arm yourself with the appropriate questions. It is also important to consider your goals, the symptoms you would like to treat, and length of treatment that is required. After determining that medication is the best approach its important to maintain your treatment plan and take your medication as prescribed. Inform your mental health practitioner and anyone else who is a part of your treatment team, such as your psychotherapist, of any side effects that you are experiencing. Finding the correct medication is a process and it can take up to several weeks or even months to find the correct type for you. Once you have found the correct medication, maintain and manage your medication based on your doctor’s recommendations.

Contact Dr. Parisi for low cost therapy in Chicago, Mt. Prospect, and surrounding areas including Des Plaines, Arlington Heights, Schaumburg, Barrington, Hinsdale, Skokie, Lincolnwood, Park Ridge, Evanston, and Wilmette.

What Should I Expect in Psychotherapy?

It’s normal to feel a little nervous or anxious when you first being psychotherapy. The first few sessions might even feel a little uncomfortable or awkward. It’s not necessarily easy to meet someone new for the first time and begin sharing your personal thoughts and feelings. But remember, as you continue in therapy you will feel more and more comfortable and at ease with discussing your issues. Your psychotherapist is specially trained and experienced in building rapport and helping you reach your goals. Every psychotherapist’s style and approach will vary, however there are some universal aspects to psychotherapy.

Throughout psychotherapy you will develop a trusting therapeutic relationship with your therapist. During this time you will have the opportunity to work on your challenges and to look deeply at your personal values and choices. Therapy is a collaborative process between you and your therapist. The more you are willing to invest yourself in this process the more impact it can have in your life. You and your therapist will explore your issues and problems through discussion. Some of your sessions may focus on your internal thought patterns, feelings, and body sensations in order to gain an understanding of different aspects of who you are and how you think. During your time in therapy you will learn to pay attention to your experiences without judgment in order to better understand how your mind works.

Your therapist may want to initially start off by gathering personal information and a history about your family, health, and education as well as administer some type of assessment or test. It is normal to begin therapy with an assessment as these tools help gather information and get an in depth understanding of your issue. The outcome of the assessment often assists the therapist in determining the best course of action for your treatment and will help guide your sessions.

Your psychotherapist will then help to clarify and educate you regarding the problem you are experiencing. After clarifying your problems, you will work together to find resolution to your issue. It is not uncommon for treatment to include other providers such as a psychiatrist. For example if you are receiving psychotherapy from a psychologist, they may refer you to a health care provider who can prescribe you medication if they believe you may benefit from it.

It is important to understand that therapy will be a challenging endeavor and often takes time and commitment. Therapy often leads to a deep personal understanding, and significant and long lasting change. You may find yourself thinking and behaving differently. In addition to this transformation you will learn new skills to help you cope with future issues and challenges.

Contact Dr. Parisi for low cost therapy in Chicago, Mt. Prospect, and surrounding areas including Des Plaines, Arlington Heights, Schaumburg, Barrington, Hinsdale, Skokie, Lincolnwood, Park Ridge, Evanston, and Wilmette.

What Should I Expect During My First Visit to a Behavioral Health Clinic?

It is common that your provider ask that you to come in several minutes early to your first appointment in order to fill out the required paperwork. A typical session can last anywhere from 45-60 minutes long so plan accordingly. During the first session your therapist may also cover the logistics of therapy, such as confidentiality, scheduling, cancelation policies, and fees. Plan your payment in advance. Prior to your first session determine whether you will be paying out-of-pocket for your services or if you will be using your health insurance plan. Some private health insurance companies may cover mental health services such as psychotherapy, but others do not. Before you begin therapy you should check your policy to see what is covered and what provider accepts your coverage. Insurance companies vary in terms of services they cover and some mental health disorders are not covered at all. Double-check with your provider in advance in order to help you plan your payment.

Conduct your research a head of time and prepare a list of questions you might have for your provider. Be prepared to share information about yourself and the issues you would like to address. Your therapist most likely will begin by ask you a series of questions to help identify what problem you would like to work on. They may begin with a simple question such as, “What brings you here today?” Be as clear as possible regarding your goals and what you would like to accomplish during your time in therapy. It is not uncommon to begin therapy with some type of assessment. These assessments help gather information and guide the course of therapy. Prepare to discuss your health, education, culture, and family circumstances. During the information gathering process your provider may recommend further psychological testing or suggest a medical examination to rule out possible medical issues.

Once your provider gathers a full history, you will work together to develop a treatment plan and establish goals. This process is collaborative and your commitment and dedication is important. After several sessions you should have a clear understanding of your issue and your treatment plan. This plan should include your goals and how you will work towards accomplishing these goals.

Contact Dr. Parisi for low cost therapy in Chicago, Mt. Prospect, and surrounding areas including Des Plaines, Arlington Heights, Schaumburg, Barrington, Hinsdale, Skokie, Lincolnwood, Park Ridge, Evanston, and Wilmette.